At the 450th Regular Communication, on January 12, 1955, Worshipful Master Richard Rosebrock informed the Brethren that our new Lodge building was nearing completion and plans should be made for the dedication of the "Saul Alexander Memorial Building". Worshipful Brother Hugh Hamilton was appointed general chairman, along with Worshipful Brother Pearson, P.M., Worshipful Brother R.T. Maass, P.M., Worshipful Brother E.T. Salisbury, P.M., Brothers Leo Rush, J.A. Black, Howard Rutland, George Holtz, R.D. Luke and Victor I. Bull as committee men. Sunday, September 18, 1955 was the date set for the dedication by the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Ancient Free Masons of South Carolina.
A total of 173 Brothers assembled at the Lodge room in town hall at 3:00pm. Worshipful Master Rosebrock opened the Lodge in due form on the third degree of Masonry. The Lodge being opened, the Grand Lodge Officers entered and were received in due form. The craft then proceeded two by two on main street to the new Masonic Temple. The craft assembled in the new Lodge room which was filled to capacity overflowed into the anti-room and outside. The Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother J. Ansel Eaddy proceeded to dedicate the new Lodge in due form.
Most of our Lodge history was complied by Right Worshipful Brother Hugh Hamilton. It has been further expanded and brought up to date (1995) by Right Worshipful Brother Elmer G. Hunt. We have tried to give the facts as recorded in the minute books. From these books, the dates mentioned have all been verified, however, many times the historians have had to turn down memory lane, so much could be said of the ventures of the officers who have served the Lodge, that many volumes would have to be written, It would serve no purpose on this occasion. There will be many updates to follow!
Thus, my Brethren we have built a temple. A temple that future generations will praise us for. However, let the coming years bring praises to us that have lived the tenants of Free Masonry. That we have squared our actions by the square of morality and virtue, circumscribed our passions and desires, and kept them within due bounds and ever remembering that the fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man will govern our lives into eternity.
A bit of our proud history, Page 7