In eighty years, the Lodge has had only six Secretaries:

Dr. Edmund W. Simons

1915 through 1930

Forest G. Aldret, P.M.

1931 through 1946

Cecil E. Buddin

1947 through 1950

Hugh H. Hamilton, P.D.D.G.M.
1951 through 1955

Richard H. Rosbrock P.D.D.G.M.
1956 through 1966

Walter E. Limehouse, P.M.
1967 through ?
Dr. Edmund Simons served the Lodge from 1915 through 1930 when his Brethren at last realized his unselfishness in remaining behind the desk, and elected him to Senior Warden. In December 1931, he was elected Worshipful Master of the Lodge. This was an honor he appreciated, not like so many who were elevated the East, when their term is over, forget the Lodge and never attend again. By reference to the minute books, it will be seen that he was present at every communication. He was raised in Pythagarian Lodge No. 2 and was one of the charter members of Summerville Lodge No. 234. Dr. Simons was a General Practitioner. Landmark Lodge No. 76, on many occasions display a cup in his memory and his sacrifices for humanity. Pythagarain No. 21 and Summerville No. 234 should be proud of this man, the Mason, the Physician, the Brother, the Councilor; Edmund W. Simons , that they would erect a plaque to his memory. The call from the Grand Lodge on High came on Monday, November 18, 1940. The following day, the members and friends of Summerville Lodge, the Lodge he loved and served so well, laid Worshipful Brother Edmund W. Simons to est in his beloved St. Paul's Episcopal Church Yard, with appropriate Masonic Services.
The second Secretary was Worshipful Brother Forest Goven Aldret, P.M. He was elected Secretary on December 12, 1930, when Dr. Simons became Senior Warden. Worshipful Master Aldret was raised in Summerville Lodge in 1919. He was a talented musician. The Lodge issued bonds in denominations of $10.00 to purchase an organ for Brother Aldret to play. Finally in 1922, the Brethren realized here was officer material being held back by his talents. He served the Lodge as Senior Deacon and Senior Warden. In 1925 he was elected to the East. In his Secretarial duties, his were the most trying years of the Great Depression. He was always working to find some means to help the unemployed Brethren to pay their dues, prodding the Masters and Officers to keep the spirit of Masonry alive. Being of a retiring nature, he never pushed himself, peace loving, he was ever trying to conciliate, to smooth the rough waters when friction or discord arose. Brother Aldret was a jeweler and silversmith. He wrought many intricate jewels and gave them as presents to the Lodge. Most of all, he gave jewels of love, friendship, hope and faith. On the morning of January 12, 1946, he went to sleep, a well earned rest from his labors. Heaven is riche, those of us who were left behind, poorer. On Sunday, January 13th, the remains of Worshipful Brother Aldret were laid to rest in Summerville Cemetery with Masonic Honors.
Worshipful Brother Hugh P.M. Hamilton, completed the year of 1946 when an energetic young man, fresh from the war, was elected as Secretary. The man, Brother Cecil E. Buddin is today a highly respected citizen of Summerville, ready and willing to do what he can for Free Masonry. In his chosen profession, he had so many duties that in 1950, he felt that he should give up Secretaryship, and let some one with more time to be elected to that office.
The year of 1951, saw Worshipful Brother Hugh Hamilton P.M. assume the duties of Secretary. Worshipful Brother Hamilton was a driving force the Summerville Lodge. Always striving for perfection in Lodge work. Worshipful Brother Hamilton served as Secretary through December 1955.In nominating his successor, he stated that he himself had served in various capacities in the Lodge for nearly 40 years.
That it had been said that old solders fade away and old bankers loose interest, but that in his case, he would do neither, but that he felt that a younger man should be trained and that the Secretaryship is a sacred trust. Worshipful Brother Hamilton stated that he knew of no one more capable or more worthy to receive that trust than Worshipful Brother Richard Rosebrock, P.M. Worshipful Brother Hamilton continued serving our Lodge and in December 1956, he was elected Treasurer. He served as Treasurer through 1969, at which time he said it was time for him to retire office. During the time he served as Treasurer, he was appointed as District Deputy Grand Master of the Third Masonic District in April 1957, and served 2 years in that office, in addition to his duties as Treasurer. The Lodge was opened on the Master Mason Degree for the purpose of paying our last respects to our departed Brother, James F. Steen on December 27, 1972 when word came to the Lodge that Right Worshipful Brother Hugh Hamilton had been called to the Celestial Lodge on High. Due to the untimely death and a request expressed by the Right Worshipful Brother Hamilton, that the Lodge be opened at the time of his death and stay until his burial, Worshipful Master Edward O. Tinsley called off the Lodge until 10:00am on Saturday, December 30, 1972. At 10:00am, Saturday, December 30nth, Worshipful Brother Tinsley reconvened the Lodge and the craft journeyed to the St. Paul's Episcopal Church Cemetery and there paid our last respects and committed our departed Brother to the soil from wence it came.