The first meeting place selected and approved by the District Grand Master, was a room on the third floor of the Town Hall, over the Town Council Chambers. On the evening of October 26, 1915, the first meeting was held in this room, the Secretary inserted in the minutes that the furnishings had been completed and the carpet laid.
The first regular communication of the Summerville Lodge U.D. was held on November 9, 1915. The Dispensation having been granted by Most Worshipful Master, George T. Bryan on November 6, 1915. Present were Worshipful Master, George Harris Weber; Senior Warden, W. Fred Jordan; Junior Warden, Edward L. Braid and the following acting officers; Robert M. Russell, Treasurer; Edmund W. Simons, Secretary; Carl A. Maass, Senior Deacon, William T. Hampton, Junior Deacon; Fred B. Krepps and John W. Swicegood, Stewarts, and Fred H. Maass, Tiler. WM Weber announced the the Dispensation to work had been received and on this night, the first petitions for degrees were received, read and referred to committees. The petitions were from Mr. Herbert F. Dunning, Mr. Thomas M. Finucan, Mr. Moses Kramer, Mr. Deem W. Nobles and Mr. H.L. Pitts.
At the meeting on November 9, 1915, the lodge had it's first visitors. They were Brothers D.E. Frair, Landmark Lodge No. 76 and Brother W.K. Munday of Franklin Lodge No. 96.
Each generation of husbands think that their wives are the only ones who object to their mates going out nights to so many meetings, but at the November 9, 1915 meeting, Brother E.E. Cauthin offered a motion "That a public reception be held at an early date and especially for the female relations of the members and proposed members". A committee was appointed to make arrangements. At the meeting on January 11, 1916, an offer was read from the Shamrock Lunch Room to furnish light refreshments for 75 people for $15.00 and $30.00, but no date was set for the reception, it being left to the committee composed of the Junior Warden and the Stewarts.
The meeting on November, 1915, brought petitions for membership from Mr. Roy F. Starling and Mr. Wilber Thornbill.
At the forth regular communication of Summerville Lodge U.D., held on December 7, 1915 the District Deputy Grand Master, W.G. Mazch was received in due form. Also at this meeting, the first work was performed when Brother Herbert F. Dunning, H.L. Pitts and Moses Kramer were initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Free Masons as Entered Apprenticed.
At the first regular communication of Summerville Lodge U.D. on December 21, 1915, a letter was read from Berkeley Lodge No. 269, requesting that the Entered Apprentice Degree be conferred on Mr. Saul Alexander, who had been regularly elected by that lodge. This was an historic night for the Summerville Lodge U.D. as Mr. Saul Alexander was destined to wield a powerful influence on the business and economic life in his adopted community. A man who was to become a councilor, a philanthropist and a respected citizen. At this meeting, he along with Mr. Thomas Finucan was initiated into the mysteries of Ancient Free Masonry.
The petition for charter was submitted to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of South Carolina Masons at it's regular communication on the second Tuesday in December 1915. Most Worshipful Brother Robert A. Cooper, Grand Master, was authorized to issue a charter and through the office of Most Worshipful Brother Robert A. Cooper, Grand Master and Right Worshipful Brother Frank O. Hart, Grand Secretary and their belief in the earnestness of the Masons of Summerville to build a Masonic Lodge, and to build on such a solid foundation, that only the most devastation happenings could destroy it. The number of the Lodge which became defunct in 1898 was given the Lodge and the usual fee for a charter of @$100.00 was deleted. The Lodge only paying for $10.00 to the Grand Lodge which at that time was the fee for dispensation, Instead of a new Lodge, Number 234 A.F.M. was revived.