Summerville 234's Grand Lodge Officers
Dr. Edmund W. Simons
WM: 1932
Secretary: 1915 - 1930
George H. Weber
~First WM of our Lodge~
1915, 1916, 1917
Hugh Hamilton
WM: 1924
Secretary: 1946, 1951-1955
Richard H. Rosebrock
~Our oldest living Past Master~
WM: 1955
Secretary from: 1956 - 1966
DDGM: 1967
W. Howard Rutland, Sr.
WM: 1959 and 1970
DDGM: 1974 - 1976
James E. Bouknight
WM: 1997 and 2007
DDGM: 1998 - 2002
James (Jimmy) Jenkins
DDGM 2021, 2022
WM: 1999, 2005, 2008
DGSD: 2008-2009
Forest Aldret
WM: 1925
Secretary: 1931 - 1946
Charlee Lee
WM: 1986 and 1988
DDGM: 1994 - 1996
Carey Baxley
WM: 2000 and 2009
DDGM: 2010-
Don Erbe
WM: 2011
Ambasador of the Grand Master of SC
Tony Lowder
WM: 2020 and 2021
DDGM: 2024 -